My Inside Look Into The Strains of Jackie Chan's Family Life

Price has a fame and that's what Jackie Chan is probably learning the hard way.  It's a very common thing to expect the son to be exactly like the father, which is just wrong.  People are people as they are, Jackie Chan IS Jackie Chan.  The problem of expecting the son to be like the father is one of the reasons why political dynasties of incompetence exist... just like why President Nobita (Noynoy) is voted just because of his father's legacy.  Back to Jackie Chan, I just had my thoughts on the strains of his family life.

As of late, Jackie Chan had admitted being a bad father.  I was even thinking, "Was he forcing his son to be LIKE HIM?!"  Fathers who do that, are usually bound for disappointment.  Reading through the years, he even got mad at his son for wishing him a Happy Father's Day.  Come on, sometimes we need a special day to give double devotion to our parents!  I mean birthdays, anniversaries, etc. are milestones in our lives.  For one, not celebrating his wife's birthday is something that's a no-no,  he doesn't need a lavish birthday, just give her a special meal, eat out... come on be a man and remember her birthday every year!  Well be nice to everyone everyday, yes but also give a special day too.  I mean, why do I give gifts to people on birthdays?  It's not about being nice to them just that day, I want to be nice every day but would it not be nice to make milestones too?  I guess that's what Jackie Chan has forgotten about how important milestones are in real life.  Plus I admit he really has strange family values.

One of the worst strains of Jackie Chan's family life was that his overly busy schedule had caused him to meet his son only once a year, not being able to give Jaycee Chan a normal childhood.  Okay, I don't really support the fact Jaycee Chan is using marijuana for stress BUT I thought consequences happen from bad parenting.  Jackie Chan's unusually high fame may have ruined his family in the process.  The affair with Etta Ng has led to the production of his bastard daughter who's been cut out of his will.  The whole affair stormed his marriage with his wife Joan.  So far, Etta Ng his lovechild by Elaine Ng may have grown up confused and years later, knowing that she was the result of an illicit affair.  Poor child really.  Not having a close relationship with a child while having lots of money can lead the child to live extravagantly and end up having financial woes in the process.

Jaycee Chan is Jaycee Chan.  He may look a lot like Jackie Chan but he is NOT Jackie Chan.  Some parents fail to realize the individual uniqueness of themselves and their children.  For one, I know somebody who was poor in Mathematics but her son is a competent accountant.  If Jaycee Chan cannot excel in martial arts, he may excel somewhere else.  Jackie Chan is Jackie Chan.  Jaycee Chan may as well consider not being in limelight to succeed.  The problem is though, with a scandal related to weed, it would be very hard to recover his career.  However he has started to learn accountability in the real world.  Nobody really learns anything in a comfort zone.

To be honest, right now I hope that Jackie Chan will be able to set things right.


  1. "Some parents fail to realize the individual uniqueness of themselves and their children." - So screw it, collectivists... -_-

    1. It's a problem with many parents. Sometimes they don't see the individual uniqueness of people huh?


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