What I Disliked About Nao Nagasawa's Guest Role in Kamen Rider W

Nao Nagasawa is one of my favorite Japanese actresses and I like her for being a kickass lady.  There was one guest role she did that made me facepalm for its duration, it was her role as Lily Shirogane in Kamen Rider W.  Why was that?  I'll talk about how it felt like really, REALLY stupid for me.  Remember this is just my opinion, it's not fact.

What did I think went wrong during Nao Nagasawa's time in Kamen Rider W.  For almost the entire time, she looked like she was a STRIPPER.  I would admit that it's very hard not to get distracted by her costume, her legs and almost everything about her for two episodes.  It just felt like as if her role was just eye candy for most of it which for me was very, very annoying than amusing since this is Tokusatsu, not an eye candy video.  I was totally annoyed how Shotaro was played the idiot trying to kiss Lily.  I would admit I might make the same mistake as he did.  On the other hand, there's that short teasing her character had with Ryu Terui.

The only progress the whole arc involving her role was not her but Isaka/Weather Dopant.  But the character was really stupid, just stupid for two episodes.  I will admit I'm not really used to seeing Nao Nagasawa performing non badass scenes.  She can act, no questions asked but I felt like they should have gotten another actress instead of her to play as Lily Shirogane.  It didn't even help she kissed Ryu Terui at the end of the arc.  I don't think I would have appreciated it if I were Ryu Terui considering I wasn't even dating the character.

Nao we are really talking!

Fortunately Kamen Rider Fourze did not repeat the same mistake with her.  Her appearance in Kamen Rider Fourze her best guest role ever done in Kamen Rider IMO.  In short, I'd always say that her role as Lily Shirogane for me is forgettable at best.
