How? Well to play as somebody seemingly innocent (that is to the eyes of Oh Young Ran who is a friend of hers who has no idea she is Go Eun Sung's stepmother) she is also wicked behind the backs of people. She is also seen to be the type to do everything to make sure her daughter Yoo Sung Mi (acted by Moon Chae Won) gets to survive. She of course isn't expected to be evil until she acts evil- compared to most actresses who acted as wicked stepmothers.
Since Shining Inheritance isn't overly serious with some touch of comedy (that is while the two children Woo Hwan and Woo Jung are annoying, their mother is kind of stupid that she's funny) so I think her part where she couldn't sleep because her best friend (who stayed in their house temporarily) which of course I think proved she was a good actress. Perhaps it was the most challenging scene that may have had made her forget her role for awhile.
I'm her fan and I was surprised when I saw she was a wicked step mother in this drama. It's completely opposite to her roles before. However, we all saw how she did it. She showed us how great she is.