Here are My Current Favorite Actresses Who Appeared in Tokusatsu

To start the adding of former Tokusatu actresses, I'd like to put some to introduce the readers here to Tokusatsu if they ever don't bother to read my Sentai blog.

Nao Nagasawa- After Hurricanger and making a few guest appearances in Tokusatsu, she's also been into action films as of late.  Love her.

Ayumi Kinoshita- She became famous as Jasmine/Deka Yellow.  After that she got involved in some movies (and Nu Meri was an adult film) and the series Uramiya Honpo.

Haruka Suenaga- It's a shame she doesn't have any more major roles after her role as Sakura in Boukenger.

Rin Takanashi- I think she has to be Japan's hottest actress as of recent.
