Pictures Of Suzy Bae As Dam Yeo Wool For June 29, 2017

One of the best matches ever!

She's badass adorable!


Beauty and the beast fighting side by side.

She's so cute!

OUCH! It wasn't me!
Drinking a cup of coffee after a blooper?

Funny isn't it?

Never mess with her sword!

Stitching time!

Feeling awkward?

Goofing off behind the scenes!

Never mess with her arrows!!!!

Badass? Badass!!!!

I just love this fight scene!

Arrows? Arrows!!!!!

Feeling super tired?

It's a rainy time isn't it?

She's so adorable!!!!!

Awkward love team.

Looking stressed.

Cute and tough!

Looks like somebody tried to grope her. 
