One Wedding, One Break-Up: Rin Takanashi's Marriage VS. Liu Yi Fei's Break-Up

Congratulations to Rin Takanashi for her marriage to pro-soccer star who's one year her senior -- Makino Tomoaki. It's a good news/bad news scenario for that one but there was also a recently reported break-up namely...

Chinese superstar Liu Yi Fei broke up with Korean boyfriend Song Seung Hoon. For one, I thought that news could give some good news for a few me who are still single in their 30s. So really, what really happened? Busy schedule? Hmmm... to be honest I kinda got upset when Barbie Xu-Wang had a break-up with Vic Chou (and both are now married to their individual spouses) some time ago.

As the sun rises in one side of the globe -- the moon rises on the other.
